Saturday, October 1, 2011

Pills and Patches

   Sometimes I feel that I am held together by patches and pills. I do feel I am supporting our local CVS alone with all my purchases. But when I am patched and drugged to the maximum I can function. I am going into NYC next week to confer with a new Doctor. I don't have any real hope that he will come up with some way to ease my pain but I do feel that I must try. My job of teaching means that I do stand at least 6 hours a day and that pressure on my back is not good.
It's funny how I relate to the very elderly people in the retirement home down the street from us quite well now. Misha ( my dog) and I walk over and he gives wags and lovin to everyone he sees. We all walk slowly.
The lidoderm patches are great. They don't stop the pain completely but when I first put them onto a painful area the cool gel feels fantastic.

     I love looking out the window from my couch. I watch cars and people go by. I watch ornamental grasses wave in the breeze and remaining flowers from summer. I love watching the season change. Soon the trees will be orange and red. I feel greatful for all that I have in my life that is great.

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