Friday, September 23, 2011


  So, I have not had anything much to write. I wake up moving as though I were 100 years old. I take my pills which don't work too well anymore. I put on patches of lidoderm to calm the inflamed nerves below the skin. I try to plan my life around my pain.
  I go to work. Sometimes it is like girding myself for battle with drugs and patches and bandages, I will even wear a girdle some days to pretend it is going to help. I love my job ...But after I get home I lie with an ice pack on my back and leg. I go to bed at 7:00 so I can lie flat on my firm mattress. I read. I sleep. And start again.
  I am going to go in NYC to meet with another Dr. I just need some coroberation that indeed there is nothing I can do to stop this pain. I believe the Dr. I went to here is honest. I just find it hard to live with what he said. Every day is a struggle to dress, to stand , to sit. to walk.
  When I lie flat at 7:00 at night I am greatful that I do not have small children who would want my attention. I am happy to have my little dog with me and my books to read. I am thrilled my husband does most every thing that needs to be done ...I am lucky.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ah, limp along little doggie.....

Well, I have been wearing an ace bandage to cover the lidoerm patch that covers my calf behind my knee that moans in pain. If I don't wear the ace bandage then the patch falls off, then the pain is worse. Ergo, the ace bandage...

Ace bandages are better in the winter than the summer I think. It does add a bit of heat to my entire throbbing leg. I limp when I walk at the end of the day. Not as cute as this lovely lady. Mine is a dragging of the leg somtimes complete with moaning on my part. Halloween is coming soon. Perhaps I should go as a mummy?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

And now....

Well, the SI joint injection I had did not work at all. But I did go to the nicest hospital that I have ever been to. Dartmouth Hitchcok Hospital is incredible from the view going up to the front doors, to the guy playing the piano in the entrance. Eveyone who works there is smiling. I was a bit unnerved by it, being used to city hospitals but I mean everyone was pleasant, helpful, and kind. Even the injection was sort of fun. I had a resident from Arkansas who watched the Dr. He was funny and so very nice. The nurse even held my hand while an enormous needle was stuck in my backside. Didn't hurt, it was numbed. So for those of you who might have an SI joint issue the shot is not a big deal.

But after a week of waiting , it did not prove to work. I now have pain in my outer calf, outer thigh as well as the ever present pain in the butt . I"m still doing the med thing and thinking about what next to try.